
Upgrade Magento version 2.3.X to 2.4.X


The new version of Magento open source and commerce is here and with some exciting new things and improvements. This new release has all the previous Magento 2.3.5-p1 core quality improvements. In addition to that, there are over 100 new fixes to core code and 30 security enhancements. The new version introduces support for the PHP 7.4, MySQL 8.0 and Elasticsearch7.6.x.

Furthermore, the Two-Factor Authentication is introduced in the latest version which boosts security and in the Commerce edition, there are B2B enhancements such as New Order Approval flow.

In addition to that, payment methods such as Authorise.Net and Braintree are removed in this Magento version for Open Source. For Commerce edition, eWay, CyberSource and Wordpay are removed from the core code. However, if merchants want to use these payment options, they need to install the official extensions available on Magento Marketplace.

Along with core quality and security fixes, this latest Magento version has also fixed 226+ GitHub issues. Requests from the Magento community are pulled off in this version such as improvements in GraphQL and Inventory management to small core code clean up.

So all the Magento merchants, upgrading your latest Magento site to Magento 2.4.x is the must thing if you want to enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

In this post, we will discuss a step by step guide to upgrade your existing Magento store with the latest 2.4.0 version.

Step 1) Create backup of root composer.json file by run below

cp composer.json composer.json.bak

Step 2)  Install the Composer update plugin into current version (Old version like 2.2.4)

composer require magento/composer-root-update-plugin=~1.0 --no-update

Step 3) update the composer by following

composer update

Step 4) Add or remove specific packages based on your needs. For example, if you are upgrading from Magento Open Source to Magento Commerce, remove the Magento Open Source package.

composer remove magento/product-community-edition --no-update

Step 5) Update php version 7.3 or 7.4

Step 6) Update mysql version 5.7 or 8

Step 7) Install elastic search on server (Ignore If already installed).

Step 5) Upgrade magento version by run below

composer require magento/product-community-edition=2.4.0 --no-update

Step 6) update the composer by following

composer update

Step 7) Run Setup upgrade

Php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Step 8) Run deploy command

Php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f


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