
WordPress 4.8: New Key Features You Should be Aware About

WordPress is planning a minor release of the security update soon in early next month. WordPress is a CMS platform that has a 27 percent share of the entire digital market. Like every year, WordPress introduces some security updates to solve the errors found in the previous ones. As WordPress released the 4.8 Beta-1 version recently, it seems that there are plans for a minor release of 4.8 that will bring certain enhancements that were found in the previous versions.

Editing posts with links was not an easy task previously, hence to make it easier, WordPress has given this update. For more information regarding the same, you can get assistance from certain WordPress Development Company out there. As mentioned in the Beta version, the enhancements are based on the following things.

Provide an improved visual editor experience along with a TinyMCE which would allow you to navigate more precisely into certain elements like links. The latest update by WordPress would majorly focus on the key elements of the visual editor. It is expected that it will improve the user experience of the editor and the users will be benefitted by the inline elements.

The updated news dashboard widget which will bring the nearby and upcoming events such as meetups and WordCamps. This would be helpful for enthusiastic WordPress developers to stay updated about the meetups.

They would also provide new widgets which will cover images, audio as well as videos and will enhance the text widget in order to support visual editing. These three new widgets would be something exciting for WordPress enthusiasts. This can help you create more compelling and visually appealing websites and have more interaction with your customers. Looking towards the new widgets in detail:


When using WordPress 4.8, you won’t need to write the HTML code for displaying an image in the result as you will be able to add images into the sidebar quickly from the widget quickly and easily. All you need to do is upload an image from the widget or choose any image from the WordPress library.


Similar to both the above widgets, this WP update will let you add wonderful videos to your WP website in order to gain attention of more visitors on the site. Simply drag and drop the widget in a particular area and click on add video.


The latest WP update has introduced the wonderful audio widget which will let you add audio to the website without coding or any third-party plugin. All you need to do with this widget would be to drag and drop the audio widget in the widget area, click on the add file button, choose or upload a new file or audio, and don’t forget to SAVE!

The first beta version of the WP 4.8 update is now available for testing using the beta tester plugin. You can test the features of the update and find out the issues that are solved in the latest update.

Are you making your WordPress website? Read these tips to make it faster: http://www.elsner.com/5-ways-to-make-wordpress-website-faster/

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