
The Best Email Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce

Email Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce
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Growing an eCommerce business requires implementing some of the most profitable and reliable methods of online marketing. In present times, email marketing has become an essential part of the sales process. A qualified email list acts as a strong base for building value and further engaging your clients. According to statistics, email marketing generates nearly 23% of sales every year. Email Marketing is all about sending relevant emails to the right customers’ at the most appropriate time. Therefore, targeting your customers with personalized emails will put a significant impact on your entire email marketing campaign. Here are some of the best strategies for email marketing:

1. Welcome Email Series

The “Welcome Email” is usually the first email series sent by the businesses to their new subscribers.

If you want to turn your fresh leads into permanent, paying customers, then it is essential to engage them by sending an initial welcome email. 

Naturally, a prospect subscribing to the newsletter of any eCommerce business is eager to know more about it. A welcome email series is the best way to capture the mind of your new subscriber. 

Here’s a perfect example:  

 Welcome Email Series Example

The best welcome emails are the ones that provide a detailed overview of your business and services to subscribers. Also, make sure to send a welcoming email within a minute or less while they still remember your business. 

2. Abandoned Cart Email 

Many people on eCommerce websites usually browse through the products, add them to cart, and then move on to browse through other eCommerce portals.

This means that 69% of prospects end up abandoning their carts.

However, you can still get them to buy the abandoned item, only if you engage them properly.  

In fact, in many cases, abandoned cart emails have increased the revenue of eCommerce businesses by 50%.

To bring them back to your website, try to encourage them or remind them constantly about the abandoned items in the cart.

You can either send your customer a reminder email about the items he left in the cart. You can also send a follow-up email with special offers, such as a discount coupon, free sample items, etc. on those abandoned items to encourage the customer to buy quickly. 

3. Cross-Sell Email 

Cross-sell emails are sent to customers who have already purchased any item from your eCommerce website. Now, to retain your customers, you can send them an email to sell any product related to their previously purchased product.

Cross-sell emails help customers to get more value from your business and naturally, help you generate more revenue. 

For example, if a customer has bought a mobile phone from your website, then you can send them a cross-selling email of mobile accessories to persuade them to purchase more items from your store. 

Take this email, for instance:

Take this email, for instance

Cross-sell emails have a conversion rate of more than 55% in almost all types of businesses. 

You can either send a product follow-up related to the purchased product or you can send a category follow-up. 

Category follow-up contains items related to the category the customer made a purchase. 

4. Promotional Sales Emails 

Promotional sales emails are very common and used in many different ways.

For instance, holidays and season-themed sales emails work best to capture the attention of both the existing and potential customers. 

The price decrease emails are another successful type of promotional emails that result in a high conversion rate. 

However, before sending out promotional emails, make sure to identify your target audience. Once you segment your email list based on a specific audience, then make sure to customize your emails according to your segmented list. 

For example, make sure to send an email regarding the launch of a new product line to customers who rely on the face value rather than the actual substance. 

5. The Referral Email 

Statistics suggest that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from their peers above all forms of advertising.

When people are uncertain about the product or the eCommerce store, it’s natural for them to turn to their friends and relatives for suggestions. 

You can also leverage the power of referrals by sending out emails encouraging your customers to refer your product to their peers. 

To compel people to refer your brand, make sure to offer them something like a free item, discount coupon, and more.

Moreover, sending referral emails with clear instructions will boost your chance of attracting more customers. 

6. The Survey Email 

If you want to know what your subscribers are looking for, then incorporating surveys in your email marketing strategy is a great way to go about it.

You can ask your subscribers a couple of questions to understand their preferences and choices.

Survey Email Template

Now, not all subscribers would be willing to participate in the survey, and in that case, you have to encourage them. One way to do this is by offering them any gift for taking up the survey.

There’s a better option, however.  

Instead, you can offer a discount if they purchase any product within a specified time. 

This will make subscribers attentive and excited to get that discount, and they will quickly respond to your survey. It also leads to increased sales and revenue. 

7. Exclusive Discount to Regular Customers

It is vital to keep your regular and loyal customers satisfied.

Every business generates its maximum percentage of revenue by retaining their existing customers. Thus, it is important to shower extra attention to your older customers.  

You can use a loyalty program for your repeat customers to make them keep coming back again and again. Offering an exclusive discount to your loyal customers will make your bond with them stronger. 

Summing Up!

Try out these email marketing tips to increase your conversion rate and ultimately your revenue.

Finally, just remember that the key to attracting customers is not the medium you are utilizing to convey your message. 

Instead, the main thing to consider here is what message you are using.

Therefore, make sure to focus on the content of your email before starting out with the email campaign.

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