
E-Commerce SEO: How Online Stores Can Drive Organic Traffic


Many small and medium E-Commerce business owners come with a question. Why do I need E-Commerce SEO when my business is doing well? Even local E-Commerce companies need SEO to reach out to their local audience and penetrate other territories. If you don’t know about the benefits of hiring an

online store SEO company for your store, this post is for you. 

The search engine optimization strategy is simple. SEO helps you get more visibility on Google SERPs. 

With superior SEO steps and strategies, your website ranks at the top of the search engine result pages. When your website ranks, you will get more leads and conversions. 

Even for small E-Commerce businesses, the bottom line is to increase revenues and profits. 

That is why even small E-Commerce businesses should go for local E-Commerce SEO. A powerful and comprehensive SEO strategy does not just bring organic traffic for online store, but also helps create brand awareness and visibility. 

All you need is a good SEO company that offers high-quality, end-to-end, and results-driven SEO services for E-Commerce. They have the best SEO experts who will help you get more conversions on the table. 

What are the Benefits of Hiring an SEO Agency for E-Commerce Businesses?

Let’s dive into the benefits of hiring an SEO company for your E-Commerce business. Do you know that “Near Me” searches have increased

more than 500% in recent years? People just love to buy from nearby local stores, even if you are selling online. 

All you need is online visibility. If you don’t have it, you are losing a lot. Let’s discuss some of the benefits of hiring professional SEO services for E-Commerce businesses. 

Improve your Web Presence

One of the best benefits of E-Commerce SEO is that a systematic SEO approach can improve your web presence and put you in the top ranks of Google. Increasing your web traffic will bring more leads to your website, seeing more conversions, revenues, and sales. Furthermore, when users spend more time on your website, thanks to the SEO strategies such as content optimization, on-page, off-page optimization, guest posting, etc., Google will also conclude that your pages are relevant and offer valuable information to users. Google will keep it in mind while ranking your website. You will become an authoritative brand in the industry. 

Outrank your Competitors

Your competitors are doing everything to get the most traffic on their websites. You need to counter it by applying innovative SEO strategies that outrank their efforts. 

If you want to become a market leader, you need to stay one step ahead of the competition. SEO can help you achieve it. Hire a local SEO agency with E-Commerce experience. When you go for E-Commerce SEO and apply all the strategies, you will subsequently outrank your competitors in no time.

Be an Authoritative Voice in the Industry

One of the best things about SEO is that it makes your brand an authoritative one in the industry. When you develop original, engaging, and informative content regularly, your target audience will look up to you when they are looking for information. In the long run, you will be an influencer in the community, and people will look up to you for information. 

Long-term Business Growth

Another reason you need to hire an E-Commerce SEO company is long-term business growth. SEO does not show results overnight, but it takes time. When you rightfully apply SEO strategies and keep patience, you will see the long-term success of your business. You can reach out to more customers and improve your online visibility. Furthermore, you also will be able to see a continuous increase in revenue and sales. You can take your business to new heights with the right and results-driven SEO strategy

Increase User Experience

User experience is one of the most crucial core web vitals Google considers while ranking a page. When you have SEO-optimized pages, visitors will spend more time on the website as they will read content, take appropriate actions, and share items on social media profiles. You will get better visibility. When users find your website good, they will talk about it online and offline. Everything works in your favor. 

Filling the Marketing Funnel

Traditional marketing funnels heavily rely on new shoppers. You need new shoppers every day to keep growing. The funnel works like this- 

  • You need to create awareness.
  • Then you need to create interest. 
  • Then you need to create desire.
  • And they will take action. 

This is not the case with inbound digital marketing practices such as SEO. Here, you can convert your target audience into your customers at the awareness stage by providing the right and relevant information.Also, you don’t have to create interest in your potential customers as they are already interested in your offerings. They have specifically used keywords that you targeted. It simply means that they are interested. You need to target the correct intent at the awareness stage, and they will buy from you. 

Elevating Content

SEO is not just about writing web content. Other content types are blog posts, buyer’s guides, website blogs, and other articles that can help in getting more traffic to your website. With proper content optimization, you can see a noticeable increase in your web traffic, and that too at very little cost. All you need is a team of SEO experts and content writers who can develop a good content marketing strategy. They can search for the right and relevant keywords and develop content based on those keywords to get more traffic to your website. 

Expanding Remarketing Audiences

Remarketing campaigns can work wonders for your E-Commerce business. How to do it? When a user comes to your website via organic search, you can use cookies for a remarketing campaign. Using these display ads to target your audience will get you more traffic when they leave your website. 

SEO Strategies to Drive More Organic Traffic to Online Stores

SEO Strategies to Drive More Organic Traffic to Online Stores

Website Optimization

Ensure that you have the right and relevant keywords targeted for your website. Here, you can use keyword research tools to find the relevant industrial keywords for your business. Put yourself in the shoes of a customer. If you search for something, how would you do it? Which search query would you prefer to search for a particular product? You will come across different phrases that you can use for your SEO.Furthermore, to enhance your online visibility, you can implement the best SEO tips by developing a range of informational and navigational keywords.Check out your competitors and the keywords they are using. It will reveal so many things to you. 

Once keywords are determined, you can optimize your website content, including meta titles and descriptions for each page. To successfully optimize your website for your online store, you can use online tools for SEO and keyword checkers to reach that goal.

Ensure that your Product Page Offers a Superior Experience to Your Users

Even though you have incorporated all the keywords, you need to ensure that your product pages are highly optimized and offer a superior experience to users. Google recently implemented EAT guidelines in February 2019 for website content. The EAT means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Your content should be relevant, informative, and high quality to ensure that Google considers it and ranks your pages accordingly. If you want to rank higher, you need to post valuable content to users. Be truthful and informative with your audience, and Google will appreciate your efforts and put you in a good position. Add plenty of images, video tutorials, product descriptions, quotes, ratings, reviews, and product features to make your page more enjoyable for users. 

Use Structured Data Markup

When you type for a particular product, for example, jackets for men, you must have seen individual results with short product descriptions, prices, and ratings. You can click on any of these results, and it will redirect you to the shopping website. This is called structured data markups. You don’t even need to visit the page to know more about the product. You can reveal details in the markup only. Using such structured data markups, you can rank for rich snippets, a Google search feature. Also, users look for ratings and reviews before purchasing anything. When your products show up in the search results with the price and ratings, it improves your chances of getting more leads. 

Ask the

online store SEO service provider to find and clean up broken links. Broken links are very bad for your SEO strategy. They harm your websites’ performance and, at the same time, offer a poor user experience to your website visitors. If you have interlinked broken product pages and categories, your users will leave the website and will probably not come back. 

You can easily find and get rid of such broken links with the tools such as Ahrefs, Semrush, or Moz. If you have missed some broken links, you can use an optimized 404 page to navigate users to other website pages. 

Use HTTPS to Keep Your Store Secure

Being an owner of an E-Commerce store, you are collecting personal information from your customers, and it is your prime responsibility to keep data secure and safe. Keeping data encrypted and safe is crucial to making customers feel safe while visiting your website. If they don’t feel safe, they might leave and never return. HTTPS is a ranking factor declared by Google, and it simply indicates that your website is secure. Thankfully, most E-Commerce development platforms offer SSL standards. You can purchase it to ensure that your visitors trust your website. 

Ensure Page Load Speed is Good

Would you wait for the page to load once you click on it? Most of us would not wait. You need to have product pages that open quickly, mostly within 2 to 3 seconds. If your page speed is low, you need to work on it. You can reduce the image file sizes, minimize CSS and JavaScript, or add lazy loading to speed up your page. Conclusion Whether you own an established E-Commerce store or are a startup entrepreneur, you need to hire

an online store SEO service provider for your website SEO. Developing and implementing an SEO agency will bring many benefits to the table. 

They will leverage their expertise to offer you the best outcomes. Ensure that the digital marketing company you hire has earned good reviews and has a promising portfolio.

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