Outdoor Cooking Experts

Outdoor Cooking Expert, a premier Estonian provider of high-quality outdoor grills and barbecue accessories, faced challenges managing its expanding product range and clientele across multiple regions. To address this, a comprehensive solution was developed on the WooCommerce platform, integrating advanced search tools, multilingual functionality, online payment gateways, and social media connectivity. With a focus on user experience and operational efficiency, the platform streamlines catalog management, customer interactions, and order processing positioning Outdoor Cooking Expert as a competitive force in the outdoor cooking market.

About the Client and its industry

Outdoor Cooking Expert operates within the outdoor cooking equipment and accessories sector, specializing in the production and distribution of premium outdoor grills and barbecue accessories on a business-to-consumer (B2C) basis. Renowned as a leading provider of high-end grills in Estonia and across Europe, the company leverages the WooCommerce platform to facilitate seamless online purchases of outdoor barbecues for both individual customers and corporate clients. With a focus on robust yet user-friendly product designs suitable for novice and experienced grillers alike, Outdoor Cooking Expert caters to the diverse needs of outdoor cooking enthusiasts across the region.
  • #WordPress
  • #b2c
  • #GrillEquipment
  • #LiveChat
  • #Mailchimp
  • #Multilingual
  • #omnichannel
  • #Woocommerce
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Problem statement

Need an online platform to connect with other regions and boost sales! They used traditional methods to manage their customers, products, and orders which was time-consuming and difficult! There was a need to establish a proper delivery chain for delivering the products safely and on time! Marketing and customer support needed enhancement!

What was the challenge?

  • The Outdoor Cooking Expert originally consisted of four simple cooking items, but over time, it has grown to include more than 100 handmade, luxurious, and traditional products. In doing so, they handle the things in their region and have traditional control over the clients and orders, which takes a lot of management time.

  • The client wanted to provide the product in different regions the client wanted one online platform that could take orders and deliver products in different regions.

The solution we provided

  • It exclusively developed the UI/UX design, which offers a straightforward user experience that draws in more potential customers and a fully responsive design.

  • Build a search tool with several advanced keyword categories. It is associated with drop-down menus that include pricing ranges and product category options.

  • We have set all 8 domains in a single site where a user can manage all domains from a single admin panel. Domains are se, fi, ee, co.uk, de, es, no, com (looks like 8 different web shops).

  • Integrated an online payment gateway such as PayPal, and online transfers to accept digital currencies.

  • Connect with social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest for better user reach.

  • Google Analytics tool implemented for visitor traffic and user behaviour.

  • An SSL certificate has been added to ensure a connection between the user interface and the website’s server.

  • Installed the multilingual functionality and added Estonian, Russian, and English languages to reach each user of the Europe nation.

  • We have created an intuitive admin interface that enables managing customers, catalogs, feedback, reviews, payments, shipping, and many other things simple for the admin.

  • For Newsletter, Mailchimp is installed to increase the number of users.

  • We’ve implemented Tawk.to as a live chat platform to provide users with immediate real-time answers to their concerns.


Outdoor Cooking Expert’s online transformation yielded remarkable results, with a 20% increase in user engagement and a 15% rise in successful product searches. The integration of online payment gateways led to a 25% boost in transactions, while social media connectivity drove a 30% increase in website traffic. Multilingual functionality saw a 35% growth in international orders. Combined with SSL certificates, an intuitive admin interface, and impactful integrations like Mailchimp and Tawk.to, the comprehensive solution positioned OutDoor Cooking Expert as a competitive force, achieving operational efficiency and heightened customer satisfaction.

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