Magento How To Do

How to Easily Process Orders in Magento 2: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Easily Process Orders in Magento 2: A Beginner’s Guide

Placing orders on your Magento 2 online store differs significantly in terms of customer experience compared to something offline. There are a lot of substantial hesitations in the minds of some customers, which refrains them from buying online. Considering that, Magento, a lucrative eCommerce platform, introduces a seamless order processing system.

When you have delegated your Magento development services to a team of experts and are getting an online store ready, the first thing you must master is the right way to manage and fulfill the customers’ orders. The platform offers a dedicated system with an ideology to help business owners avail the diverse tools and features for handling order lifecycle effectively.

From order placement to delivery, the Magento order processing system will help the merchants look out for increased order volumes. Thus, customer satisfaction and smooth operations can be guaranteed. When you hire a Magento developer, let them walk you through the entire platform and its dedicated features so that you can easily manage the store in the long run.

In this article, you will get a detailed tutorial on Magento order processing and gain insight into why it is an integral part for you to count on while seeking Magento eCommerce development services.

What is the Order Workflow With Respect to Magento 2?

The experts offering you Magento 2 development services will give you a brief understanding of streamlined order management over the platform. But to master the attributes, you ought to understand the theoretical aspects of processing an order on the platform.

So, the first thing you must learn alongside seeking Magento web development is the order workflow over the platform. The order workflow on Magento 2 consists of six stages, which include:

New Order:

It is the stage where the customers place a new order in your store. In this stage, the checkout process will begin when the shopper clicks on the ‘Go to Checkout’ tab on the cart or product page.

Create New Order


Checkout Process

Pending Payment:

Once the order is placed and entered on the checkout page, the initial status of the order will be ‘Pending Payment’. The payment has not yet been processed by the customer, and the order can be canceled or edited. Such a state will occur when your payment method is configured for specific authorization.

Select Payment Method

Payment Received:

In this state of the order workflow, the status will modify itself from ‘Pending’ to ‘Processing’ when your store receives the payment. Depending on the specific payment approach you choose, a notification will pop upon processing or authorization of the transaction.

Payment Received and Order Completed

Order Invoiced:

Once the payment is accepted, the order will then be invoiced. Depending on the customer’s preferred payment method, invoicing will be invoked for the specific order. When the invoice gets generated or submitted, a copy of it will be forwarded to your customer.

Order invoice


New Invoice

If the chosen payment method has been configured with ‘intent’ or ‘capture’ action, an invoice will automatically be created upon payment authorization.

Order Shipped:

After invoicing, the order status on Magento shipment details will be allotted, booked, and set. The shipping necessities will be met with the printed shipping label and packing slip. The customer will then receive a notification as ‘Package Shipped.’ With tracking numbers allotted, customers can also track their shipments.

Order Shipped


New Shipment


Once all the above stages are completed, the order status will change to ‘Complete.’ Thus, the workflow of a specific order comes to an end here!

Order Complete

What are the Three Steps Associated with Magento Order Processing?

Whether you are about to hire professionals seeking Magento development services for a new store or are getting along with Magento 2 migration services, you ought to be aware of the standard business operating procedures. And order processing is one of the most important ones to count on!

Therefore, here are the three order processing steps that you must care to master right from the moment you hire developers to provide you with Magento eCommerce development services:

Step 1: Open the Pending Sales Orders

  • Access the backend of your Magento store, which is right under your dashboard. When done, select Sales > Orders. 
  • You will see all the pending sales orders in a list format under this tab. Now, click ‘Edit’ on the upper-right part of the page. 
  • Remember that the orders can only be edited when their status is ‘Pending’ if the payment hasn’t been authorized. The ‘Edit’ button will not be accessible for the orders if they have entered the ‘Processing’ state within the workflow. 

Within the scope of editing the orders, you can update the product or its quantity, modify the address, apply coupon codes, change payment details, and update shipping information. 

Step 2: Carefully Validate the Specific Sections

Now, as you have selected the orders you want to edit, you will have to review the order and account details by going through the specific information, such as:

  • Validate the order number, which is located at the top of the ‘Order & Account’ information or sales order. Upon hovering over the order number, you will see a note specifying whether the order confirmation has been sent. 
  • Check the order date next, which will refer to the exact time and date when the customer places the order. 
  • Check the ‘Purchase From’ data, which will indicate the store or website where a customer placed the order. 
  • Validate the ‘Account Information’ you can access by clicking on the customer’s name. You will see the entire profile of the custom on the redirected page. 
  • The ‘Customer Group’ information will keep a tab on the specific group to which the customer belongs. 

Now, you must also review the address details by checking a different set of information, which includes:

  • Review the ‘Billing Address,’ which records the customer’s name, along with his/her phone number and billing address. 
  • The shipping address isn’t meant to be the same as the billing address and gives an insight into the name and details of the person receiving the order. Review the shipping address and phone number of the receiving participant in the order. 

In accordance with that, you will now be reviewing the payment & shipping methods that are authorized and approved for the order. Review the following information to validate the same:

  • The payment information associated with the order will present a specific payment method used for the order, alongside the currency used and the purchase order number. 
  • Review the shipping and handling details, which will show the shipping method and the added handling fee that the customer has been charged for fulfilling the order. 

Finally, you must review the ‘Items Ordered’ within the Magento 2 order processing system before proceeding to fulfill the same. For that, you must review:

  • Name of the product
  • Item Status
  • Original price of the product
  • Purchase cost
  • Quantity (number of products ordered, shipped, refunded or invoiced) 
  • Subtotal pricing
  • Tax amount and percentage
  • Discounted amount
  • Total payable amount 

Step 3: Execute the ‘Total Section’ of Magento 2 Order Processing 

You must first review the order status, which is either pending, processing, or complete. There is a comment box available for you to specify anything that’s related to the order processing aspects.

Following that, you can also opt to notify the customer via email or make a comment visible on the customer’s account by clicking on the select tabs. Once that’s done, you must see the order’s total shipping and handling charges specified on the right side of the page. 

You will get an overview of the total payable, paid, refunded, and due amount associated with the particular order processing attributes. Only after you have reviewed the prices can you insert the feasible comment and make the selection on how to notify your customers about it. Click on ‘Submit Comment’. 

You will then be prompted to create an invoice for the select order. If you are ready, click the given option and follow the instructions to create the invoice. 

When you hire a Magento developer to create your store, discuss with them the steps for getting a practical idea of how the order processing system works on this platform.

What are the Benefits of Displaying Order Processing Attributes in Magento 2?

4 Benefits of Displaying Order Processing Attributes in Magento 2

When you adopt Magento 2 migration services, you get the feasibility of checking the order processing information being displayed on your store’s admin controls. It offers many benefits for both store owners and customers. To help you understand this briefly, here are a few perks of this initiative for you to count on:

1. Save Time on Managing Your Orders:

With the Magento 2 order processing system in place, you will be able to validate all the associated details. This way, as a store owner, you will gain accurate insights into the entire order fulfillment process.

You can identify delays, issues, or bottlenecks and take corrective actions within time. The experts offering Magento 2 development services believe this optimization will help you reduce order fulfillment errors, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance overall operational efficiency. 

2. Attain Transparency with the Order Statuses:

Customers will be provided with transparency into their order status. They will be provided with the feasibility of tracking the progress of their orders in your store right from the moment they place the order through the shipping and delivery stages.

With this transparency, the customers build trust in your brand, and the rate of support requests or inquiries will lower.

3. Self-Service Proficiency for the Customers:

With the Magento 2 order processing system, the customers can see their order processing details themselves. Thus, they can attain the convenience of self-service for checking the status, delivery date, and other updates.

They won’t have to connect with the customer support team for basic amendments or changes required. Thus, it will save enough order fulfillment time for both parties. 

4. Better Communication Between Both Parties:

When you can showcase the order processing details, you can build a better communication medium for your customers and store owners. Your customers will get real-time updates about the order’s packaging, shipping, and delivery.

On the other hand, you can inform the customers if any mandatory change is made to the order, due to lack of inventory stock or added shipment costs. The experts offering Magento development services will also encourage you to establish clear communication between your store and customers, which is the key to productivity. 

Can You Use a Magento Extension for Streamlining Order Processing?

While you seek Magento 2 migration services to upscale the features and functionalities of your eCommerce store, why stick to just the default order processing system of the platform? You can integrate dedicated order processing add-on extensions to make the overall process easier.

You can integrate a pre-developed extension from the official or third-party marketplace or hire a Magento developer to create a custom extension. With such an extension, managing Magento order processing will be easier with features such as:

  • It will be easier to edit the customer details, payment methods, addresses, and other information.
  • Adding or removing products from the order will be easy if a part of the order is not in stock or is unavailable at the moment.
  • See and opt for varying shipping carriers, costs, and methods under one roof in an organized manner.
  • You will be able to implement diverse customizable rules for specific types of orders on your Magento store. Avail Magento support services to get an insight into the select rules you can implement.
  • Seek easy integration of an order processing extension with popular shipping providers, Magento modules, or payment gateways. Hire a Magento 2 developer to assist you with the needful.
  • You can assign control access and editing liberties based on the specific user roles.

Bottom Line

For you to know, Magento 2 order processing is one of the most crucial solutions that simplifies handling customer orders within the platform. With this, your business will be empowered to handle large order volumes easily, ensuring an optimal experience for all the customers and streamlining operations for your business operations.

So, when you seek Magento 2 development services, you must gain in-depth insight into the order processing attributes. If you feel the necessity, hire Magento eCommerce development services and get custom order processing extensions ready to gain complete control over the order workflow under one dashboard.

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