Peter Christian Ecommerce Platform

Peter Christian is all about looking good and feeling great. Peter Christian is located in the hamlet of Small Dole, tucked away in the South Downs, 10 miles away from the bright lights of Brighton.
  • #Magento
  • html
  • WordPress Development
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What was the challenge?

  • Simplified and Intuitive End-User Experience
  • Multiple Filtration by (Color, Price and size) 
  • Display real time report for all the activities
  • Integration of Multiple 3rd Party Extensions
  • integrated social media options

The solution we provided

  • Designed eye-catching homepage with High Definition images along with the hover effect to attract clients, and also include a newsletter subscription.
  • Advanced navigation filters, side-by side product browsing layers with splash graphics and color variants.
  • Enhanced order emails to keep customer updated with progress over their storage design until it gets dispatched from warehouse.
  • Enabled social media links for client where client can directly share product details to its social media account.

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From Inspiration to Implementation.

Let's Create Your Success Story with our expertis
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