Artistry Custom Platform developed by Elsner

Artistry is an online platform that allows artists to effortlessly exhibit their work in selected high-quality galleries all around the world. The chosen artworks are displayed in-store, where visitors can scan the QR code to see the artist page and explore more. This website has been built in ReactJs to provide the user with a unique UI/UX experience.
  • #Mobile
  • #React JS
  • elastic
  • flutter
  • nodejs
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What was the challenge?

  • The client wanted a web and mobile application built with the latest features.
  • There were Firebase limitations with the search feature.
  • Data migration from the previous platform to ReactJs.
  • Exploiting small & large scale data with the Auto image recognition.
  • It had unique challenges to the multilingual capability of the artists’ native tongue, which was being used globally.
  • Client was facing an issue with the subscription based Login/Registration.

The solution we provided

  • In order to streamline the project flow, we have produced the designs in Adobe XD.
  • We have integrated Elastic search so that we can store and search through huge amounts of data extremely quickly and to expand the firebase limitations for search.
  • We have created a zip file containing more than 5000 photographs using the NodeJS API for uploading the images.
  • In order to make it simple for customers to view them in their native language, we have included the multilingual feature supporting English, French, and Italian, Spanish, and German languages.
  • We have given an option to download selected artwork for the exhibitions with the Id, image & QR code.
  • We have integrated PayPal since it offers an additional layer of security and fraud protection.
  • The interface is similar to the social media platform where artists can create a profile and upload their artworks. Where customers can search for any artist profile, follow them, like their artworks and much more.
  • We have integrated a notification feature where artists can get a notification about the likes and comments. We have developed these features to enhance the user experience.
  • We have integrated Zoho CRM to migrate the data. The CRM will synchronize the artists & participant’s data.
  • Design Improvisation of the website has been done that allows the website to immediately take advantage of search engine optimization.

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From Inspiration to Implementation.

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