Tag: Node.js Web Apps

  • Node.js Development: Top Reasons to Use Node.js For Web Development

    Node.js Development: Top Reasons to Use Node.js For Web Development

    The technologies are growing rapidly and it has become a complicated task to manage them. JavaScript has been a standalone technology that is constantly in the market and influenced many businesses to develop websites using it. Node.JS is a cross-platform and open-source JavaScript runtime that works on the server-side. Node.JS Development services are feature-rich and…

  • Node.JS: Things to Know Before Building Web App Development

    Node.JS: Things to Know Before Building Web App Development

    What is Node JS? Node.js is the extended JavaScript that can run on the machine as a standalone application. The JavaScript and Node.js run on the V8 JavaScript runtime engine. It is an open-source platform that uses an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient for data in real-time applications.  Node.js…